Introducing...The Birthday Bag!
The Cutest Little Bag You Ever Did See!
Now that you've met our brand new Birthday Bag, I need to tell you a story about how the design came to be! When I was a student in Grafton Middle School, I carried around a similar bag (but that was zebra print velvet with pink feather trim) that was given to me when a distant family member found on a trip to Europe. I carried this bag down the hallway daily, I would swing my feathery bag, filled with pencils and school supplies and probably a TI 84 that I would hang off of my desk once I got to any given classroom. I was known for my accessories in high school and this bag has stuck in my memory since 1999.
My language arts teacher adored this bag and wanted to carry it around herself. She would always highlight my accessories. My mom, being a very crafty woman, was always quilting and making various things. When she had some leftover fabric from a quilting project, she created a replica of the bag for both myself and my language arts teacher. It lived on her desk for the rest of the year.
It wasn't til Halloween 2022, while dressed up as Susie from Curb your Enthusiasm when I dug through my archive of tacky accessories and unearthed both the original middle school bag and the one that my mom had made me. After carrying this bag around at a party I thought, "I need to remake a similar version of this for my company" and what better time to launch the most special to me bag than on my birthday weekend. Enjoy this bag now and forever on all of your most special nights out and happy birthday to me!

xoxo, Julie!